Wednesday, July 13, 2011

FINALY Back into the 21st century!

Hi everyone (who is not reading this blog), after an unbelievable 8 weeks of no internet we are getting a special online usb phone thing that will ring us up a pretty penny. Onto the art note, one of the benefits of not having the wonderful distraction of the www is i have gotten to chew through a chunk of my reading list, Stealing the Mona Lisa (the best book about looking, seeing, and art) Instillation Art: A critical history, Blurring the Boundaries, James Turrell: The other horizon, and Rothko's bbiography (an uunplanned find that was very interesting and pleasurable bed time reading compared to oh, say, critical theory articles, for instance).
 I have been having a lot of mid night waking ideas and also have developed my own version of sensory deprivation tank. every night when i am exhausted (i am currently teaching super fun, full time art camp its ending next week) i nearly drown myself by climbing into my gigantic 18 inch deep insulated bath filled to the brim with lavender bath salts and hot water and sink up to my chin. In a few minutes i am off to sleep in the bath and luckily wake up when my nose starts to sink. however in the few moments of sleep i drift into that fuzzy gray area of remembering and being slightly conscious and not controlling thoughts. Lucid dreaming i believe its called. a delightful phenomenon. so now i have all these soaked sketch books with odd ideas i want to explore. some involving videos, trampolines, water bed mattresses, and black out chambers etc.
On a more practical note i have started to look into galleries that will let me have a space to experiment on their patrons with my installations for a short period of time (even a weekend) so i can get some video of how people actually interact in the spaces i want to create. if all else fails i may just have my middle age woman artist crit group that i belong to with about 7 members, and some of my husbands friends (for the non artist's viewpoint) come to my studio and take a trip. we shall see.
And if i have not lost you yet, i am meeting with my mentor Liz Nofziger this month and super over the moon excited about workin with her. Love her work and feel as though she will have a wonderful influence on my studio practice and insights into my art. Check out her stuff!

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