Tuesday, June 21, 2011

First post on residency!

to break in my posting shoes i'm just going to do a little blurb on my first residency so far. this has been a whirlwind of amazement and overwhelmingly helpful and intense! I just met with Deb my adviser and had a great discussion about some artists to look at and a paper to write about three artists who appeal to the senses in different ways to get a response from the participant.  some of the artists that were mentioned were Judie Pfaff, Sarah Seez Ernesto Netto, Yayoi Kusauma, James Turrell, all of whom i probably misspelled.  Deb also suggested that i keep folders and lists of photograph things that i notice. Yesterday Ya and i had a great conversation and she suggested that i should do some performance in/ as a part of my work. I am a not a fan of performance art as a medium for myself, its a little to flashy and embarrassing for my liking.  Some things i find interesting right now are tensions and tangles. I would like to do something using latex and stretching it from the ceiling and painting in it and cutting it and shining light through it. The biggest challenge in this next semester is going to be trying to find a place to install this work at the residency. Hmmmmmmm I need a nice big corner. I have been noticing all the wires and tubing on the ceilings lateley.