Monday, June 18, 2012

Building the stand and finishing the roof!
watch out world! I broke out the drill and table saw for this section of my house.... and still have all 10 fingers!
 table legs to be on the messy work area

prepping table top for leg holders

holes drilled for leg brackets

leg brackets and interior hole

first coat paint

paint on legs

second coat

the roof panel 

oh yesss.

process of pattern

filling it in with grey tones

So here is a look at what i have been doing for the last few weeks... The roof is killing me. i spend between 7 and 10 hours a day on it and it has taken me 9 days of working like this to get one half of it done.... i am now almost done with the second half and can not wait to be finished with this roof buisness. it has actually taken me longer to roof this house than it took my father and Jeff to roof our real house!!! That took two weekends at about 8 hours a day.
 this is NOT including the yarn dying/ drying which takes another day and a half. Oh the joy!

My intern giving the dyed yarn a head start drying. This is the most action my hairdryer sees in a year.

dyed yarn drying outside

the roof shingles take FOREVER to do

oval window embroidered 

my real door!

cutie pie in house

interior of houes

Finally  a good use for all those art books...

Friday, June 1, 2012

wool to be dyed.

hand tied yarn bundles ready for the dye vat!
the top of the cornerboard and the Capital molding 

the window

the bottom of my corner board where the side and the back of the house join

a detail of the siding again 7 squares/ inch. all of my yarn is made from local wool and the grey and cream is purchased hand dyed. the red shutters and roof (coming on up) are dyed by yours truly. 
house out flat 55 inches long and 22 inches tall at peak

my cutie pie with it (he thinks its going to be a bird house

the amazing interior with all the loose ends that will be tied to the knot ball!
here is the top floor of the front of the house. each side is made up of multiple panels that i join together 

the shutters are made out of yarn i dye and have french knots for a border and then two layers in the middle to cover up the mesh and give depth. the canvas has 7 squares to 1 inch to give a sense of scale.

this is my front door. the molding is made in a double herrinigbone pattern and my door is woodgrain with multiple brown yarns layered. eventually you will see the leaded glass oval window in the door and the finished door detailing. 
Here are some photos of my house not quite finished yet but almost there.... the front of the house (where the door is) is not yet on, here are some in process pics of it i took a few days ago.