Friday, September 9, 2011

Deep breath...

so i have put the finishing touches on my breath chamber ( some satin draping on the inside to make it pitch black and sensuous) and some nice edging to give the edges of it a finished polished look. Now i am working with my new usb mic to get some good breathing sounds for inside it. possibly put the speaker under the waterbed mattress so that the participant (you) will not hear the sounds of the breathing until your head is laying on the bed, and hopefully the sound will also gently vibrate the water.
This seems to be a response to the overwhelmed and over visually stimulated feeling i had when i was at my first residency. A place to focus on the most automatic and basic of all functions that has such a big affect on our feelings but is completly ignored through most of our days. well my days at least!  breath plays such an important role in yoga, meditation, and many religions that i seems that a place dedicated to breating would be a good thing to have when overwhelmed and stressed.

I started working on the next installation, a drippy performancey  hangy projection thing! real descriptive, huh. So i experimented with beeswax i had hanging around and pouring it over ice i had frozen in different containers and balloons. . i embedded twine in the water and suspended the ice chunk while pouring the wax over it. the wax made some amazing crazy shapes and the water gushed and melted. after a while the water melted and dripped out leaving this hollow drippy wax in the shape of the ice just hanging there. I also experimented with dipping a ton of different fabrics in the bees wax. One of my tulle's just looks amazing, the wax leaves certain cells of it empty and fills others. My mentor and i discussed projecting something onto sheets of the dipped tulle hung from the ceiling. the image would be visible on the places the wax was but go onto the walls and people walking through where the wax left empty. In the middle of this waxy fabric projection space i want to hang the ice sculptures  and pour the wax over the ice. Under the ice will be either a drip pan with contact mic and amplifier to project the sound of the drips or a drum like structure that will amplify the dripping sound.
I keep on coming back to the idea of what this actually "means" and it seems to be about presence and absence. the idea of trying to preserve the presence of something that will inevitably disappear. the sound of the drip is very much integral to the passing of time that also strongly influences this piece. an exploration of time, smell, sound, touch and sight on the expereince of place and emotions. Clearly the image i project will be very influential on the experience. perhaps a video of the melting pouring dripping process? The ccd bee thing seems a bit too literal and i dont think i want to push it that direction.

Ideally this would be in a dark dark room (any trends being noticed) and the only light would come from the projection and possibly led's frozen into the water that i pour wax over. (although i dislike the blue white light from the leds and would like to experiment with (safely) freezing small bulbs (like tree lights) who knows what happens when you freeze and melt a bulb and its electrical wire? I'll find out! (if i don't post for a while I've probably electrocuted myself) Have a zapping good day!

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